In the Goddess Bastet salon, we offer unique relaxing massages that will put you in a state of bliss and allow you to break away from the stress-filled reality. You will finally find inner peace, feel the surge of vitality and regain lost energy. All proposed treatments are performed by qualified masseuses with many years of practice, whose touch literally works wonders – you will experience the highest state of relaxation and pleasant elation. Anyone who tries this excellent method of relaxation at least once will certainly not stop at just one visit. It is worth using a relaxing massage at least once a month to get rid of all negative vibrations from the body and mind and provide yourself with an unusual dose of pleasure. We cordially invite you to take advantage of our wide range of relaxing massages available in our salon in Wroclaw. We guarantee the highest quality of services and an excellent atmosphere!
Relaxing massage – effects
You will notice how well a relaxing massage affects your body right away – during your visit. You will experience complete relaxation, loosening and calming your emotions after a hard day at work. After leaving the office, you will feel completely new energy and willingness to act. You will get rid of persistent stress – therefore you can use exotic massages on an ad hoc basis to quickly and effectively improve your well-being or regularly if you want the effects to be long-lasting. In this way, you will positively affect the work of your entire body. Repeated sessions will strengthen the immune and endocrine systems and restore natural self-regulation capabilities.

What are the most important advantages of a relaxing massage?
In addition to great relaxation, getting rid of stress and accumulated anxiety, a relaxing massage will give you a number of other benefits that will affect the quality of your everyday life. The most important of them are:
- improving metabolism,
- cardiovascular support,
- eliminating all kinds of pain,
- acceleration of the process of removing toxins from the body,
- elimination of muscle and nervous tension,
- long-term improvement of well-being – prevention of depression,
- complete mental and physical relaxation,
- restoring the proper heart rhythm,
- visible improvement of the skin condition,
- greater resistance to stress and increased efficiency,
- injury prevention.
Length | Price |
90 min | 55 euro |
60 min | 40 euro |
45 min | 35 euro |
Please also visit our pricelist to see the prices of other massages!