A massage for men who appreciate the direct realization of their impulsive desires and who expect an increased value of sensations. The uniqueness of this service consists in the initial discharge of the tension inherent in the body, through the stimulation of the lingam zone, with the final achieved, in the first place, it allows you to feel the relaxation, alleviation and calming of the internal tension, and then – based on the techniques of tantric massage – gradually awaken your body from the feeling of bliss and through an increase in sexual tension, bring it once again to the peak form of activity and readiness to express the energy potential, which, through repeated stimulation of the lingam zone with the reached apogee, will bring you back into the state of union with the infinite source, which is sexual energy. The massage will give you the experience of duplicated pleasure flowing through your body many times, thus proving that your possibilities are endless…

Length | Price |
90 min | 110 euro |
60 min | 85 euro |
45 min | 75 euro |
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